Providing Virtual Therapy in CA & Across D.C., Maryland, & Virginia
Comprehensive Psychological Testing

Whether you are looking for diagnostic clarification, a deeper understanding of areas of strength and challenge, or a more complete picture of your experiences with individualized recommendations for supports, a comprehensive psychological evaluation can be an integral component of treatment. Each testing battery is personalized for you, based on your concerns, your experiences, and the specific questions you have about your cognitive, executive, academic, emotional, or behavioral functioning. If you have questions about the testing process or testing fees, or if you would like to consult to see if psychological testing could be a good next step for you, reach out for a consultation call.
Common areas of focus for psychological testing include, but are not limited to:

Learning Differences & Educational Difficulties
Are you or your child struggling with academics? Does it seem like you're constantly needing to work harder than those around you, or that no matter how much support you get in a single subject, it keeps feeling out of reach? If you or your child have been noticing a pattern of academic difficulties, getting formally assessed for learning differences can provide clarification on your particular strengths, areas of academic challenge, and recommended next steps for support inside and outside of the classroom.

Attention, Memory, & Executive Functioning
Do you or your child have a history of zoning out, missing what's been said, or difficulty remembering the next steps of what you were trying to do? Or perhaps you've noticed your child is struggling to wait their turn, manage their emotions, or calm their body? Examining your higher-ordered executive functions can help identify areas of challenge, strengths, and important next steps to ensure you are getting the support you need.

Mood & Personality
Are you seeking clarification on your mood, the impact of your emotional and behavioral experiences on your relationships and day-to-day wellbeing, or on past or current mental health diagnoses? Psychodiagnostic evaluations focusing on mood and personality characteristics can help you to gain a deeper understanding of your experiences, your diagnostic profile, and recommendations for treatment and support.